Wednesday, July 31, 2013

EMEL BAYRAK, The White House Correspondent of TRT-TURK 31 TEMMUZ, 2013, TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI

EMEL BAYRAK, The White House Correspondent of TRT-TURK 

9 month goal for the Middle East Peace negotiations, What are the challenges facing Middle East Peace talks?

EMEL BAYRAK, the White House Correspondent, TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI on the air on July 30, 2013

EMEL BAYRAK, the White House Correspondent,
TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI on the air on July 30, 2013

Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks continued in Washington, the President met with the parties in the White House, What role for US in new peace talks.

Israil-Filistin arasındaki barış görüşmeleri Washington DC'de başladı. Amerikanın yeni barış görüşmelerindeki rolü

Monday, July 29, 2013

Emel Bayrak, Beyaz Saray Muhabiri, TRT TÜRK DÜNYANIN HABERI canlı bağlantı 29 Temmuz, 2013

Ortadoğu Barış Görüşmeleri Washington, DC de başladı. ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Kerry "Ortadoğu Özel Elçisini" atadı, Israil ve Filistin müzakerecileri tam üç yıl sonra doğrudan müzakereler icin masaya oturacak.
Israel and Palestinians set to resume peace talks in DC on July 29.  Sec. Kerry's announced a special envoy, Martin Indyk who will lead the negotiations. "

Friday, July 26, 2013

Emel Bayrak, Beyaz Saray Muhabiri, canlı bağlantı TRT TÜRK DETAY HABER, 26 Temmuz, 2013

The future of NSA surveillance programs, House Republicans and Democrats shifting politics, will Microsoft and Google be given permission to reveal their dealings?
NSA izleme ve takip programlari ABD Kongresini bolmus durumda, Kongre programlari kisitlamaya calisacak

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Emel Bayrak, the White House Correspondent, TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI on the air on July 24 2013

Emel Bayrak, the White House Correspondent, TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI on the air on July 24  2013

New Middle East Peace talks. "Sec. State John Kerry's announcement... a suitable ground and atmosphere to start the talks.."
The negotiations will be held in Washington DC and with Israel.
Sec. Kerry “We continue to get closer, and I continue to remain hopeful that the sides will soon be able to come to sit at the same table,” he said. “There are still some elements, some language, that needs to be agreed upon and worked out. This is normal.”

Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent, on the air/ TRT-TÜRK DETAY HABER July 24, 2013

On the air , on July 24, TRT-TÜRK DETAY HABER

Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent of TRT TURK

What's Obama strategy for Syria, the US Gen. Dempsey warns US military intervention in Syria: will cost billions.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent of TRT-TURK, on the air on TRT-TURK DETAY HABER, July 23, 2013

On the air on TRT-TURK DETAY HABER, July 23, 2013/
Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent

Talked on the Middle East Peace Process, Sec. Kerry's visits to Ramallah and Jerusalem last week, the US's effort to move forward on the peace process, Israel and Palestinian

Friday, July 19, 2013

Today, I talked about the current US-Pakistan relations, and the US-Taliban talks and Afghanistan post-2014
On the air TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI on July 19, 2013

Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent of TRT-TURK

Emel Bayrak, talked on Afghanistan-Pakistan and the US, after 2014 the US strategy in Afhganistan, the US Drone attacks in Pakistan

Was on the air TRT DUNYA GUNDEMI on July 19, 2013.
Talked about the reconciliation process with Taliban, Afhgan-Pakistan relations, the US strategy after 2014 in Afghanistan, the US Drones attacks

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Edward Snowden and the US administration, NSA talking on the air on TRT-TURK Detay Haber July 18, 2013
Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent of TRT-TURK

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

the US-Taliban Talks.. on the air/ Emel Bayrak the White House Correspondent ofTRT-TURK,  on June 21, 2013.
I was on the air talking the Trayvon Martin case on TRT-TURK DETAY HABER.
Whether the US judicial system has failed Trayvon Martin or not?

Emel Bayrak, The White House Correspondent of TRT TURK
Talked on the Trayvon Martin Case, and the US judicial system,


TRT DÜNYA GÜNDEMI  15.02.2013 18:00
TRT Dünya Gündemi'nde Bugün: Afganistan'da Sovyet İşgalinin Sonu, Rusya-Afganistan İlişkileri, Afganistan'da Nato Sonrası Dönem...