1) Why the US waited so long to engage in those countries militarily and did not act when the ISIL threat began?
2) Why did President Obama withdraw all US forces from Iraq? But why did not the US look for the other options to leave some troops there?
3) When we think about ISIL's rapid territorial gains and its military capacity.. in Syria and Iraq do you think that we will be able to defeat it without a physical presence there and do you think it will it be a long-term threat in the region?
4) President Obama and his advisers at the White House have said many time that the U.S is not able to solve every conflict in the world. and the International community should act together But US also claims to be the leader of the free world so when we think about the humanitarian crisis in Syria -almost 200,000 people killed by the Assad regime since 2011- do you think the US has any moral responsibility. for not leading a much stronger effort to stop it.
5) In fact during the G-20 summit President Obama made it clear that US does not want to remove the Assad regime in Syria right now even though the regime killed 200,000 people Why does not the US.. want to do that? And, how does US think that the killing can be stopped without removing Assad?
6) When the US air strikes started in Syria to help the Kurdish fighters in Kobani, the Assad regime took the opportunity to increase its air and ground attacks on areas held by the moderate Syrian opposition. At that time Turkish President Erdogan warned the international community that the fall of Aleppo which is just 60 kilometers from Turkey will expose Turkey to another wave of refugees. Was this imminent refugee crisis discussed by VP Biden and President Erdogan? Why was no attention paid to areas held by the moderates?
7) The US has been using its famous stick and carrot approach on the Iranian nuclear problem,especially over the last couple of years. As a result of this policy we see that: on Nov 24, the US and P5+1 have not reach any agreement and have decided to extend the deadline for 7 months one more time. Are you confident that during this extension period enough progress will be made to persuade Congress not to impose additional sanctions?
8)Some people might say that releasing this report is similar to confessing sins in the church and asking for, forgiveness,
because nobody will be held accountable for any of the activities described. How would you respond to such a comment?
Turkce: 1) Bolgede ISID tehditi basgosterdiginde ABDnin askeri anlamda niye erken davranmadigidir? Cunku basta Turk hukumeti olmak uzere Ortadogudaki genel kanaat ABD 3 yil boyunca Maliki’nin mezhep ayrimini korukleyen politikasini seyrettigi ve bu konuda hicbir eylemde bulunmadigi yonunde?
2) Irak’taki huzursuzluga ragmen Obama yonetimi “egemen ulkenin icisilerine karismak istemedigi” yonunde tutum gelistirdi. Peki Iraka gecmiste yapilan yatirimlar, verilen tahahhutler goz onunde bulundurulacak olursa, sizce Irak ABD icin ozel bir yer isgal etmiyormuydu? Niye Baskan Obama Iraktaki tum ABD askerini geri cekti. Sizce orada bir miktar askerin kalmasi seceneklerini degerlendirmedi?
3) Bolgede ISID’in hizla toprak kazandigini ve askeri kapasitesinin buyudugunu gormekteyiz. Sizce ABD askeri sahada yer almadan ISIDi yenmek mumkun olabilecek mi? ISID bolgede uzun sure kalacak bir tehdit mi?
4) Beyaz Saray’da Baskan Obama ve danismanlari ABD’nin dunyadaki tum catismalari cozemeyecegini surekli dile getirmekte ve surekli uluslarasi toplumun biraya gelip birlikte eylemde bulunulmali diyorlar. Fakat ABD ayni zamanda ozgur dunyanin da lideri oldugu iddiasinda. Simdi 2011 yilindan itibaren Esad rejiminin 200 binden fazla insani oldurmesi ve yasanan insani krizi dusundugumuzde sizde ABD’nin bu durdurma adina ustlenecegi bir ahlaki sorumlulugu yok mu idi?
5) ABD Suriye’de Kobani de Kurtleri korumak icin hava saldirisi baslattiginda, Esad rejimi bunu firsat bilerek, ilimli muhalefin yasadigi alanlara hem havadan hem de karadan saldiriyi artirmis durumda. ABD Kobani’ye gosterdigi ilgiyi neden ilimli muhalefetin yasadigi yerlere ilgi gostermiyor?
6) ABD yonetimi son birkac yildir Iranin nukleer programi sorununa meshur sopa havuc politikasini uygulamaya calismakta. Simdi bunun sonunda, 24 Kasimda, ABD ve P5+1 henuz bir anlasmaya ulasamadi ama birkez daha nukleer muzakereleri uzatmaya karar verdiler. Peki bu surecte, Kongrenin yeni yaptirimlari Irana karsi devreye sokmayacagindan ne kadar eminsiniz?
7) CIAnin iskence raporunun yayinlanmasi bazilari tarafindan tipki kiliseye gidip itiraf ettikten sonra af dilemeye benzetmekte. Cunku bu iskenceleri yapan hickimse yargilanmayacak. Buna ne cevap vermek istersiniz?
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